Health Mata Wellbeing Health Mata Wellbeing

Bad Day? We All Have Them

Today was a bad day, but it didn’t start off that way. It was a normal Wednesday. I woke up at 6am had a shower, got lunches ready, put the  library bag in  Noahs school bag, made breakfast for the kids, made the beds, tidied the house and was ready by 7:30 to walk to the train and head into the city for my 8am lecture. I put on my scarf and backpack and went to kiss my kids goodbye. Thats when I saw a look on my husbands face that made me feel sick inside.

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Recipes Mata Wellbeing Recipes Mata Wellbeing

Recipes for Wellness: The Ultimate Caffeine-Free Chai

Traditionally chai is made by the decoction of spices and black tea and  recipes vary from one family to the next. This is a version we made in Botany class last week and its absolutely delicious and caffeine-free, although for those of you who need that "hit" just add some black tea leaves.

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Recipes Mata Wellbeing Recipes Mata Wellbeing

Wholesome Breakfast In Under 60 Seconds

How often do you leave the house in the morning in a mad rush because LIFE and you just don't have time for breakfast? Here's a yummy quick and easy fix that even the kids will love, its nutritious, delicious and packed with goodness. Heres why

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Health Mata Wellbeing Health Mata Wellbeing

7 Natural Remedies To Beat The Flu This Winter

While the winter is well a truly here, so are all the nuisance bugs that can cause us to feel lethargic, achy, dehydrated and generally off-our-game. Before you know it inflammation kicks in which can leave some of us bedridden for days and lets face it, “ain’t nobody got time for that”!

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Health Mata Wellbeing Health Mata Wellbeing

Why Eating Mindfully Is A Game-changer

Why Mindfulness?

The benefits of mindfulness have become more apparent in recent years. The ancient buddhist practice has become very much mainstream with mindfulness being integrated into university curriculums and even practiced in pre-school. The benefits of mindfulness seem to be endless however it can sometimes become overcomplicated without needing to be.  There is also a misconception that you need to meditate to be mindful. Mindfulness is innate and can be practiced while you drive, eat, exercise, while reading a book, washing the dishes , even cleaning your car. Its about intention. Being completely in the moment without evaluation or judgement.

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