Mata Wellbeing Mata Wellbeing

How a Facial Treatment Can Stimulate the Vagus Nerve and Reduce Stress

Of all the self-care practices out there, receiving a facial massage is among the most beneficial. This is because the techniques applied during a facial treatment make use of our body’s skin-mind connection. Our skin and minds have an interconnected relationship, and the condition of your skin can be a mirror into your overall health.

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Skin, Lifestyle Mata Wellbeing Skin, Lifestyle Mata Wellbeing

The Impacts of Stress on Inflammation and Ageing

This topic has never been more pivotal and relevant than it is right now. Many of my clients are experiencing some of the highest rates of stress they have endured yet, and it’s no wonder. Not only has western society continued to normalise the busy, ‘have-it-all’ lifestyle, but we have spent over two years enduring fires, floods, food shortages, widespread resignations, and war - all through a pandemic. With such heightened levels of stress, it’s crucial to understand the toll it takes on our bodies, particularly if we are seeking to keep our skin in its best possible condition.

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Skin Mata Wellbeing Skin Mata Wellbeing

Common Causes Of Acne And How Best To Treat Them

Acne can have detrimental impacts on self-confidence and quality of life, whether your acne lesions are severe and ongoing, or more isolated patches of breakouts. And while acne is often classified as a ‘teen condition’ associated with adolescence, adult acne is more common than you might think.

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Skin Mata Wellbeing Skin Mata Wellbeing

Face Mapping: What Do My Breakouts Mean?

Face maps are a useful [adjunct] tool used to determine possible underpinning issues that can contribute to skin problems. Rooted in ancient healing practices, traditional chinese medicine and ayurvedic philosophy there are many variations of face maps and some differences in what they all signify. However they can provide important clues as to what might be contributing to acne formation in the skin and possible underlying health issues that warrant further exploration. While they are not used for a definitive diagnosis, they can provide some useful insight during a skin assessment.

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Nutrition Mata Wellbeing Nutrition Mata Wellbeing

Glutamate, Salicylates and Amines: What Are They And Should You Be Eating Them?

When we hear the word chemical we often assume it’s something that’s toxic or harmful to our health. But the reality is, our body is made up of many chemicals that support organ function and help to keep us alive.

Chemicals are everywhere and in everything that we eat and consume on a daily basis. Some are naturally occurring, such as in fruits and vegetables, nuts and spices and other healthy foods.

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Lifestyle, Mental Health Mata Wellbeing Lifestyle, Mental Health Mata Wellbeing

10 Self Care Tips To Help You Live Your Best Life

It’s often easier said than done isn’t it? Finding time to do things for you or things that YOU love and want to do?

I’m going to share with you 10 self-care tips that you can choose from (thats right you don’t have to do them all) and start implementing into your daily life to enhance your personal well-being. They might sound simple but believe me. they work!

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Health Mata Wellbeing Health Mata Wellbeing

9 Ways To Help Manage Your Asthma Naturally

Spring is well and truly in the air and for many asthma sufferers the allergens that come with this time of the year can be serious triggers. It can be very frustrating and for some exhausting. But there are some things you can implement into your daily life that can help ease the symptoms and severity of asthma attacks.

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