Feeling Emotional During Covid-19?
We are living in uncertain times with a lot of emotions running rampant because we are emotional beings. Being restricted to our home and the occasional outing for some exercise or to buy essentials can start to take its toll. It can feel suffocating at times. Add kids to the mix, that just want your undivided attention all day long, homeschooling, working remotely, cooking, cleaning and before you know it you’re locking yourself in the bathroom because you just need some time alone to just breathe and think. Then follows the blubbering mess.
In emotional times energetic medicines such as flower essences can be of tremendous benefit when used mindfully. By that I mean taking a deep dive inward and asking yourself some hard-hitting questions.
What am I feeling?
Why might I be feeling this way?
How is my body responding to these feelings?
Acknowledging that these feelings are there, they are real and that we might be feeling raw and vulnerable is the first step to healing. It’s ALWAYS ok to feel. But don’t sit and stir on these emotions. It puts tremendous stress on our heart and other vital organs, lowers our vitality and weakens our immune system. Acknowledge your emotions, tell yourself it’s ok “you’ve got this” and move on. Easier said than done right? I hear you! Breathe..
What Tools Do You Have In Your Toolbox?
What tools do you have in your wellness toolbox? Do you have a favourite essential oil you like to vaporise, a favourite song you love to let-loose to, a stress ball you can squeeze your frustrations out on, a mindfulness app to give you some stillness and allow you to breathe? These are all great ideas so if you have them, use them. I like to incorporate flower essences to help me to process my emotions. Naming and addressing the particular emotion Im feeling and using the energetic properties of flower remedies to release them; it goes a little something like this
g’day [what is that Im feeling?]
oh, its you? [recognising and calling out the emotion]
let me give you something for that! [insert self-help or appropriate flower remedy]
Cheerio.. [let the emotion pass]
Looking after our mental health is more important now than ever because our emotions not only impact our own mental health but also the wellbeing of those we are living in isolation with. Make time to do the things that ignite passion, enjoy the time with those you love, take time out and breathe deeply and often because ultimately thats what will get us through these unprecedented and unpredictable times.
Sharing is caring. Let me know how you’re feeling during the Covid-19 pandemic and how are you showing yourself self-love and self-care?
Talking emotions during covid-19